Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ladys Midnight Fashion

White Paper: New KPI for online video - new metrics for multimedia measurement

videos online enjoy great popularity the user community - and the advertisers. But how do you measure its success? What are the relevant metrics, that is, what are the most important KPI? [ via ]

The free white paper, "Measuring Multimedia Content in a Web 2.0 Environment» provides the answers to these questions.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Multiplication Of 1 To 30

illegal sales of power Google AdWords?

Andreas Goeldi examines the question of whether illegal sales with Google AdWords / AdSense makes .

It shows that more than 1 / 4 of all clicks could be manipulated. Most "fake clicks" come from India (who's surprised), the second-most in Germany (which quite surprised ...)

"Click . Fraud "seems to be an issue

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fitted Wardrobes Wickes

click rates are not relvant

The writing ECIN , based on the findings of Starcom :

n most cases, the click-through rate of the highly acclaimed and meaningful parameters for success in the online display advertising. But this image must be decision makers, agencies and think advertisers probably thoroughly. Because of a U.S. study by media agency Starcom USA, behavioral targeting network Tacoda, and to market researcher comScore, with the telling name of "Natural Born Clickers "According to this assumption is fundamentally wrong.

According to the study, six percent of the online population are responsible for 50 percent of all display ad clicks from. This is the so-called "heavy clickers" and not representative of all study results falsified, the study concludes. Thus the heavy clickers have demographically and in their online behavior very strong differences to the typical Internet user, while four times as much time to spend on the internet than other users. In addition, the heavy clickers also tended to be more auctions, gambling, and career service sites.

Starcom notes that there is no reliable connection between display ad clicks and increased brand awareness. This way can the success of an online branding campaign will not read at the click Council. Finally, Grant Prentice concludes by Starcom that, the sales the more reliable measure of online advertising success.