Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Best Epilator For Arms

program of education strike week

This is a rough framework of AK formation strike, the specific course offerings are every day for the welcome and the coordination state (New PH) announced - will it be from day to day and will be even more. You too can own or together with others, a workshop offered on a topic (discussion, substantive work with text, PowerPoint, creative work, ... there are no limits)

shaded gray: Events at the University of HD

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Machine Washing Dickies Backpacks


On 15.06.09, starts the week of action the federal strike.

In our region, the Alliance has Heidelberg / Mannheim, including universities, Universities, schools, unions, etc. established that wants to participate in this nationwide action.

Also at the College has established a working group on educational strike that has solidarity with the Alliance and organized at our university a week of action.

It is precisely at the PH, where every day dealt with the educational system and its problems and where a large part of the education system is designed to be used this week.

Let us show the politicians that are expressed not only in our seminars criticism may, but are prepared to actively and constructively implemented.

This week, we can cooperate with all those affected by this system, improving its demand what we criticize.

We have shown how loud we can be alone.

Let this week show how loud we can with all who want to fight this "education system", to be, to be heard! In this sense:


Monday, June 8, 2009

Herbal Tea Blood Test

education strike-mailing

for those who have not are: We now have two mailing lists for student strike and the current problems of PH.
register at the following links to self:

first Mailing list for general information

second Work distribution, for concrete preparation, coordination among the working groups and all want to stay up to date.

more infos on: (Forum)