Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blue Windshield Wiper Fluid

We proudly present ....


The small Jaz is now 10 days since our new family member. Sure, a little puppy is a real challenge, but it has our heart of course storm. Jaz comes from Greece and was suspended along with her siblings. Thus it was lucky, because there is often the unwanted puppies in plastic bags thrown in the trash, to be shot or drowned. One can be divided on whether a dog should be brought from abroad, but for us it was not a question. We had discovered the Internet on the side of island dogs in need . An impressive organization with many nice people who cared for the dogs. The moment the car arrived with the dogs in the middle of the night I will never forget. Every dog, whether big or small, was on the arm of his new Owner transferred. It just suits them. Our Retriever Nelly of course, was not so enthusiastic at first, but slowly they are growing together - as you can see ...
a nice week and best regards, Ute


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