Monday, February 7, 2011

Converse Gym Bags White

Great events ...

... a shadow. That is, until the mushrooms have even shown where to go. Namely, that grew in my camp behind the store off the wall. The reason was a water damage in the apartment above.
The shelves started to rot, and the air was somewhat stuffy. Then came the construction and now the wall looks like this:

The humidity in the store has long been an issue, but it was never really done something like it should have been . In the apartment above the shop lived alternately various anarchists, which I have borne with patience, and, and ...
sure you know the feeling: "It has to change something, it can not go on" So it was quite a while with me and now I'm now the "change". As of April, I rented a new shop in City of Unna and I'm really looking forward to it. In the shop next door, pulls a girlfriend and we are already busy in the planning - the anticipation is great!
Probably we will be on 9 re-open April 2011 -. the exact date and give the place here, of course, I solemnly announced
morning I'm back in charge after the flu the past few days I had off. Thank you to my "permanent representation" Mama. I think I start tomorrow and get directly through 3 large packages Green Gate *! Have a nice week and all love, Ute


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