Saturday, February 26, 2011

Interface Rf With Pic16f877a

Schalalalala, Schalalalalalala! - Only the BvB!

What a game - what a victory! Congratulations guys - we were happy! Of course, on the face of Uli Hoeness! Have a nice Sunday!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Prolificpl-2303 V2.0.2.1


slowly so that everything found its place in the store and I am as always amazed by the patterns and colors of Green Gate.
In this sense, all of you a nice and happy week, Ute

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bad Cold With Lots Of Phlegm

something nicer pictures

was announced today my 2nd Greengate delivery this year. With 3 packages, I'm busy the whole day. Decorated is virtually nothing, but everything unpacked. There are many nice designs Proudly present: 1. van Greengate
And here's a few:
I can not even decide what pattern I find most beautiful ...... , greetings, Ute

Monday, February 7, 2011

Converse Gym Bags White

Great events ...

... a shadow. That is, until the mushrooms have even shown where to go. Namely, that grew in my camp behind the store off the wall. The reason was a water damage in the apartment above.
The shelves started to rot, and the air was somewhat stuffy. Then came the construction and now the wall looks like this:

The humidity in the store has long been an issue, but it was never really done something like it should have been . In the apartment above the shop lived alternately various anarchists, which I have borne with patience, and, and ...
sure you know the feeling: "It has to change something, it can not go on" So it was quite a while with me and now I'm now the "change". As of April, I rented a new shop in City of Unna and I'm really looking forward to it. In the shop next door, pulls a girlfriend and we are already busy in the planning - the anticipation is great!
Probably we will be on 9 re-open April 2011 -. the exact date and give the place here, of course, I solemnly announced
morning I'm back in charge after the flu the past few days I had off. Thank you to my "permanent representation" Mama. I think I start tomorrow and get directly through 3 large packages Green Gate *! Have a nice week and all love, Ute

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do Gallstones Cause Enlarged Liver

All new in January! Short break

Well, almost everything is new. I wait again on merchandise, but some I have already got friends and I am currently playing with the color blue ... it is not beautiful?
More pictures will follow as soon as I'm dekomäßig back in front. Have a nice weekend and best regards, Ute

Air Conditioning To Single Phase Generator


Is there a goat flu? I'm mad cow disease? I was supposed to feature beautiful models and models of sewing Walk, so that the Creativa is successful again ..... but after I've indulged in a French magazine yesterday, Bergmann cows buzzing through my dreams ....... I hope your well ... thanks ;)... sincerely ..... Bea

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mucus Bloody Discharge With My Period

Rosa Lige prospects: the January

Also I do with the BOM by Ula Lenz and my January-block

is First I wanted to me even a rainbow crystal star quilt * wasfüreinwort * to make but somehow I came up with the original large originals not really clear. Simply too small for me as a PP newbie. Therefore, I have the originals to 200% and thereby increased the extent I get a new top result. And when my grandma next year, its 80th Gebursttag celebrating, I have also used the fabrics I wanted for them to get out and actually had dropped again. Then I wait now wait to see the next 11 months.


Is Juliet Contraceptive Pill The Same As Diameter

I thought I'd get what

I have planned for this year times to use my whole pattern. At least one time I wish I never used all my cuts. I will not have spent money for nothing and I must necessarily reduce substances. For I must get my fabrics all purely in a cabinet, sun I can not define Nähecke. Well, if not the stuff comes off, then hold gibbet no place for Näheckchen. If yes only to 6 large crates that need to be sewn, the rest will hopefully fit in a 1.5 m wide cabinet * very * doll hope

************* ************

The first time I have made with 2 tops for my major. Both are somewhat plentiful, but the mice grow much too fast.

Larima in 134/140

Hermosa 134/140
The top part I extended by 5 cm and now it looks as if it were a dress and fits next and possibly even after next year. Let's see whether the substance holds out so long.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can I Fill In The Yellow Immunization Card

Our sister heart Laden remains of 3 - 10 Closed in January 2011. We make a short creative break and on 11 again in January 2011 from 10 clock in the usual form there for you!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Biggest Buck Killed In 2010 In Alabama

first post sewn in the new year

If ye love

I hope you had a good start to the new Year. I added the New Year once brought a cold. But no wonder I could but the mini-Mausi bangers so long hold on the arm until the reign (gr son and Göga) were finally finished, with its pounding. I could not go in, because then protested vehemently. And finally, it is me on the arm asleep * Groan * Do not move, it was there. My arms are almost dropped me. But despite everything, it was nice to my sister in law.

***************************************** **

Here now the last year have raised baby quilt.

For a little girl who should be born yesterday. But that baby is already on the expected date on the world. Certainly not many.

Made from many blocks that have been pushed quite a while with me from one to the other corner. I hope the mom is happy. When I started to get all the blocks on a consistent level, I liked the color scheme at all. But the more I come am, the better he liked me. And now I find it really beautiful.

The piece measures about 1.15 x 1.55 m. As for a long time, the small joy of their quilt.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wedding Cards Material In Hindi

Happy New Year!

A happy new year full of creativity, health, satisfaction and happiness I wish all of you out there!
For me it is tomorrow again go to the first open Sunday in Unna. Actually, I'm too tired ... Until then, and kind regards, Ute