Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shooting Of Tarak Maheta Ka Ulata

is now re-education strike! refers

their current program on


is numerous and bring sleeping bags with

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is Dermographism An Autoimmune Disorder

this blog will not be updated first, but just look on

the Usta-blog of the Public Relations Unit

homepage and forum


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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program of education strike week

This is a rough framework of AK formation strike, the specific course offerings are every day for the welcome and the coordination state (New PH) announced - will it be from day to day and will be even more. You too can own or together with others, a workshop offered on a topic (discussion, substantive work with text, PowerPoint, creative work, ... there are no limits)

shaded gray: Events at the University of HD

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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On 15.06.09, starts the week of action the federal strike.

In our region, the Alliance has Heidelberg / Mannheim, including universities, Universities, schools, unions, etc. established that wants to participate in this nationwide action.

Also at the College has established a working group on educational strike that has solidarity with the Alliance and organized at our university a week of action.

It is precisely at the PH, where every day dealt with the educational system and its problems and where a large part of the education system is designed to be used this week.

Let us show the politicians that are expressed not only in our seminars criticism may, but are prepared to actively and constructively implemented.

This week, we can cooperate with all those affected by this system, improving its demand what we criticize.

We have shown how loud we can be alone.

Let this week show how loud we can with all who want to fight this "education system", to be, to be heard! In this sense:


Monday, June 8, 2009

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education strike-mailing

for those who have not are: We now have two mailing lists for student strike and the current problems of PH.
register at the following links to self:

first Mailing list for general information


second Work distribution, for concrete preparation, coordination among the working groups and all want to stay up to date.


more infos on:


www.500fuerumme.de (Forum)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kundli Effect In Life

Spontandemo 19/05/2009

yesterday held an assembly in both the New and the Old PH in order to the Bildungsstreick ( www.bildungsstreik2009.de ) and make the current situation to the attention of budget freeze (-> Letter to the Lecturers of Justice).

The VV was extremely well attended at both locations, so that some students have found no place in the rooms.
It sparked a lively discussion on current developments in education and higher education policy field.

The demands on the rector and chancellor were formulated (see: Protest mail).

Based on the new PH in the Neuenheimer Feld formed in a spontaneous, packed from activism, demonstration, who joined from the old PH again a large group of students.
At this point we also want to specifically to the police, who accompanied us from the Mönchhofstraße, thanks for your support.
Then we went to several smaller demonstrations over the Bismark Square, the main street, the Uniplatz and the City Hall, after 2.5 hours back to PH and Campus Camp.

According to the police took about 1,200 students participated in this spontaneous demonstration.

The spontaneity and Intesitaet and the great need for discussion show that was well below the PH students a loud call for change and in particular for transparency. refers

Further information on yesterday's demonstration in their press release of the RNZ at:

Monday, May 18, 2009

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1. 05/19/2009 Vollversammlung

We've put together a pattern of mail.

copy text and sends it to the following addresses:

rektor@vw.ph-heidelberg.de, khittl@vw.ph-heidelberg.de, welzel@vw.ph-heidelberg.de, goihl@vw.ph -heidelberg.de

Dear Mr. Austin,
Sir Khittl,

Madam Welzel,
Sir Goihl,

on Thursday we were on detours through the adoption informed of the budget freeze. This has the Student Union of the PH deeply dismayed and raised many questions which we hereby want to send to you as a responsible person.

  • How can it be that in this financial year after a few months is no more money in the cash-PH?
  • How can it be that the student body is not in such an important matter informed?
  • How can it be that the fall in income from tuition fees as a reason for the current plight can be advanced, although the fall in income may have no such impact?
  • How can it be that to suffer from the budget freeze, the primary doctrine, even though they are actually backed by public funds?
  • How can it be that after the introduction of tuition fees, which in itself should serve to improve teaching, not even the previous teaching quality can be guaranteed?

We fear that not under the given conditions, management of study in the normal standard period of study is possible and suffer the quality of teaching among the measures ordered by you is massive!
We are disappointed that we as a student body of yours not having been placed directly on the current situation!
We demand from you a detailed opinion, the answers our questions about the spending freeze, giving us the direct consequences for the teaching transparent. Furthermore, we demand that those who are truly responsible for this apparent mismanagement, brought to justice!

a forum for your opinions would be, for example, the student assembly next Tuesday (26.05.2009 11:45 clock in 222 and H001) to invite, to which we hereby would like.


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Dear fellow students,

The PH is deeply in debt (1.5 million),
this means that our study conditions will deteriorate very soon

all departments of the PH are affected ...
means, for example:

- No permanent placement of full-time teachers
- Job cuts - layoffs of teachers
- grants for field trips are canceled completely / set
- Tutorials can not be financed
- material costs can no longer carried by the PH be
- ....

We must act!

Are we aware of the nationwide education strike and make us!

How / Where / When

1st Meeting / General Assembly:
Tuesday, 19 May 9
11:45 - 12:15 clock
New PH H001 / H002
Old PH Room 222

This meeting is organized by students of the University of Heidelberg.
It is at this meeting mainly go to the nationwide education strike and we would like to invite the debate, plan with us in the coming months, further actions, designed and implemented.

Check out the homepage for nationwide education strike


says all know!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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E-mail Marketing: Average open rates and click rates

Epsilon has average open rates and click rates in e-mail marketing examined:

According to a study by the marketing company Epsilon International, there are in the success of email marketing campaigns in Germany no cause for concern: with a opening rate 21 , 9 percent of West Germany is far ahead of North America with 20.9 percent and the EMEA average of 21.7 percent, which represents the global regions of Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

was particularly striking, the increase in click-through rate in Germany in the fourth quarter of 2008 from 7.2 to 8.0 percent, while it fell in the EMEA-countries to 7.6 percent and in North America to 5.8 percent is. Remarkably this was mainly because of the seasonal flood-mail before Christmas, usually the user would select particularly strong in these times that someone they open and what is not said Swen Krups Epsilon International.

give even after this quarter, the expert tips for future development: How will mobile devices be used more in the focus of email marketers. Only by constantly maintained mailing lists you get to success, differentiated campaign analysis to help in the optimization. Existing customer data from the CRM system should be focused. Finally, of course: no fear of innovation. The experts recommend more strongly in the crisis to think about new ways, such as Web 2.0. There
The report is available here as PDF .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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second online survey to study "Web 2.0 in Switzerland"

The online agency xeit gmbh launches the second implementation of a online survey about "Web 2.0 in Switzerland" . Among all participants one sakku solar bag will be raffled off.

Because the use of the "participatory Web" in Switzerland is little research, you want to win by a further online survey more information about the user behavior of the Swiss Web 2.0.

Why another study?

that further study is conducted, has several reasons: on the one hand, it would thereby have the opportunity to make a comparison between the two studies and though the two years. Thus, conclusions can be on any trends, future projections and identify new developments and so on.

other hand, in the second study, also increased emphasis placed on current trends have been, as the micro-blogging service Twitter , to name one example. To win

: A sakku solar bag worth 359 francs

It's worth in any case: Among all participants with a sakku.worker solar bag with integrated solar cells with a value of CHF 359 - giving away - this can go mobile phones or iPods are recharged easily, anywhere - without power.

the survey it goes here. Join now ;-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

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E-mail Marketing: Average response rates compared

This is an interesting study. The e-mail marketing service emarsys has published a benchmark report by the average response rates in e-mail marketing . The data were collected by to 20.000 e-mail campaigns of more than 350 customers from January to December emarsys 2008th