Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kundli Effect In Life

Spontandemo 19/05/2009

yesterday held an assembly in both the New and the Old PH in order to the Bildungsstreick ( ) and make the current situation to the attention of budget freeze (-> Letter to the Lecturers of Justice).

The VV was extremely well attended at both locations, so that some students have found no place in the rooms.
It sparked a lively discussion on current developments in education and higher education policy field.

The demands on the rector and chancellor were formulated (see: Protest mail).

Based on the new PH in the Neuenheimer Feld formed in a spontaneous, packed from activism, demonstration, who joined from the old PH again a large group of students.
At this point we also want to specifically to the police, who accompanied us from the Mönchhofstraße, thanks for your support.
Then we went to several smaller demonstrations over the Bismark Square, the main street, the Uniplatz and the City Hall, after 2.5 hours back to PH and Campus Camp.

According to the police took about 1,200 students participated in this spontaneous demonstration.

The spontaneity and Intesitaet and the great need for discussion show that was well below the PH students a loud call for change and in particular for transparency. refers

Further information on yesterday's demonstration in their press release of the RNZ at:


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