Monday, May 18, 2009

What Kind Of Hair That Lauren London Wear

1. 05/19/2009 Vollversammlung

We've put together a pattern of mail.

copy text and sends it to the following addresses:,,,

Dear Mr. Austin,
Sir Khittl,

Madam Welzel,
Sir Goihl,

on Thursday we were on detours through the adoption informed of the budget freeze. This has the Student Union of the PH deeply dismayed and raised many questions which we hereby want to send to you as a responsible person.

  • How can it be that in this financial year after a few months is no more money in the cash-PH?
  • How can it be that the student body is not in such an important matter informed?
  • How can it be that the fall in income from tuition fees as a reason for the current plight can be advanced, although the fall in income may have no such impact?
  • How can it be that to suffer from the budget freeze, the primary doctrine, even though they are actually backed by public funds?
  • How can it be that after the introduction of tuition fees, which in itself should serve to improve teaching, not even the previous teaching quality can be guaranteed?

We fear that not under the given conditions, management of study in the normal standard period of study is possible and suffer the quality of teaching among the measures ordered by you is massive!
We are disappointed that we as a student body of yours not having been placed directly on the current situation!
We demand from you a detailed opinion, the answers our questions about the spending freeze, giving us the direct consequences for the teaching transparent. Furthermore, we demand that those who are truly responsible for this apparent mismanagement, brought to justice!

a forum for your opinions would be, for example, the student assembly next Tuesday (26.05.2009 11:45 clock in 222 and H001) to invite, to which we hereby would like.



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