Monday, May 18, 2009

1961-1964 Lincoln For Sale


Dear fellow students,

The PH is deeply in debt (1.5 million),
this means that our study conditions will deteriorate very soon

all departments of the PH are affected ...
means, for example:

- No permanent placement of full-time teachers
- Job cuts - layoffs of teachers
- grants for field trips are canceled completely / set
- Tutorials can not be financed
- material costs can no longer carried by the PH be
- ....

We must act!

Are we aware of the nationwide education strike and make us!

How / Where / When

1st Meeting / General Assembly:
Tuesday, 19 May 9
11:45 - 12:15 clock
New PH H001 / H002
Old PH Room 222

This meeting is organized by students of the University of Heidelberg.
It is at this meeting mainly go to the nationwide education strike and we would like to invite the debate, plan with us in the coming months, further actions, designed and implemented.

Check out the homepage for nationwide education strike

says all know!


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